6 / 10
If you live in the South, the heady fragrance of the star jasmine vine could lead you home with your eyes closed.
The big fragrance comes from petite white flowers on deep-green foliage. While it’s often grown as a climbing plant, or a container plant that can be brought indoors in northern climates, the pretty vine can also be successfully grown as groundcover. Zone 8-10.
7 / 10
Vinca, also known as periwinkle or creeping myrtle, grows and spreads so well some people consider it invasive. It can be an attractive choice, though, for partially shady areas.
The shiny, dark-green leaves look attractive even when the five-petaled purple flowers aren’t blooming. For more visual variety and color, look for choices such as vinca Illumination, which has golden streaks on the leaves. Zones 3-9.
8 / 10
This old-fashioned favorite is one of the few blooming groundcovers that can thrive in deep shade, such as beneath an evergreen or on the shady north side of a garage or house. This plant spreads quickly and may need to be contained by a border. Many gardeners love the scent of its tiny bell-shaped white flowers. The plants grow about six to 10 inches high in Zones 2-8.